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PAPER ID: 22700
Satellite-Observed Monthly Variability of Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration: A Case Study in East Malaysia
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The monsoon season plays a crucial role in influencing major economic activities in Malaysia. However, previous research on variability primarily focused on seawater in Indonesia, leaving a gap in studies regarding the effects of monsoon events on chlorophyll distribution in the South China Sea at the Malaysian scale. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the Northeast Monsoon (NEM) and Southwest Monsoon (SWM) on the variability of chlorophyll-a concentration distribution and the total number of fish landings in East Malaysia. To achieve this goal, MODIS data was utilized. Literature reviews have indicated that remote sensing reflectances at 443 and 555 nanometers were also employed to examine the influence of suspended sediment and organic matter, which may introduce bias to chlorophyll concentration measurements. Consequently, a higher phytoplankton absorption coefficient at 443 nanometers and a higher backscattering coefficient for dissolved and detrital material result in increased phytoplankton biomass and suspended sediment concentration. The investigation revealed that chlorophyll concentration content was higher during the SWM compared to the NEM. Likewise, the total number of fish landings was higher during the SWM, primarily due to the elevated distribution of chlorophyll concentration content during this season. These findings suggest that different monsoon seasons lead to varying total fish landings in the study area. Remote sensing technology effectively explains why fish catches are higher during the SWM than the NEM, based on the observed differences in chlorophyll dispersion. The provision of such information is crucial for fishermen as it helps them reduce operating costs.
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