Classifying Coal Mine Pillar Stability Areas with Multiclass SVM on Ensemble Learning Models
Pillars are key structural components in coal mining. The safety requirements of underground coal mines are non-negotiable. Accurately classifying the areas of pillar stability helps ensure safety in coal mines. This study aimed to classify new pillar stability categories and their stability areas. The multiclass support vector machine (SVM) method was implemented with two types of kernel functions (polynomial and radial basis function (RBF) kernels) on pillar stability data with four new categories: failed or intact, either with or without an appropriate safety factor. This classification uses three basic ensemble learning models: Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation Rectified Linear Unit, Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation Exponential Linear Unit, and Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation Gaussian Error Linear Unit. The results with four data proportions and ten experiments had an average accuracy and standard deviation of 92.98% and 0.56%-1.64% respectively. The accuracies of the multiclass SVM method using the polynomial kernel and the RBF kernel with Bayesian parameter optimization to classify the areas of pillar stability were 91% and 92%, respectively. The multiclass SVM method with the RBF kernel captured 96.6% of potentially dangerous pillars. The visualization of classification areas showed that areas with intact pillars may also have failed pillars.
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