Dynamics Responses of a Block Machine Foundation and a Pile Group Foundation Systems on Stratified Residual Soils in Indonesia by Lumped Mass and Finite Element Methods
This paper presents a comprehensive study of the dynamic responses of machine foundations, both block and pile foundations, on stratified residual soils in Duri and Ulubelu, Indonesia. The evaluation was conducted using two widely recognized methods: the lumped mass method (LMM) and the finite element method (FEM). LMM and FEM were performed by utilizing DYNA and ABAQUS, respectively. The analysis results showed that LMM generally predicted more conservative displacements compared to FEM. This conservatism in predicted displacement was more pronounced for pile group foundations, which are inherently more flexible than block foundations. Additionally, this study found that the resonance frequencies obtained through both analysis methods were not the same. Furthermore, this paper includes a parametric study and presents its results to assess the influence of key factors, i.e., pile cap thickness, pile diameter, number of piles, and vertical dynamic loads, on displacement.
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