Minimize Total Cost and Maximize Total Profit for Power Systems with Pumped Storage Hydro and Renewable Power Plants Using Improved Self-Organizing Migration Algorithm
This study presents the application of an improved self-organizing migration algorithm (ISOMA) for minimizing the total electricity production expenditure (TEPE) and maximizing the total electricity sale profit (TPRF) for hydrothermal power systems (HTPS) without and with renewable energies. Two power system configurations were employed to test the real efficiency of ISOMA while dealing with two objective functions. In the first configuration, there was one thermal power plant and one hydropower plant, while in the second configuration, wind and solar energy were both connected to the first system. The results achieved in the first configuration with the first objective function indicated that ISOMA not only outperformed SOMA according to all comparison criteria but was also superior to other methods such as evolutionary programming (EP), acceleration factor-based particle swarm optimization (AFPSO), and accelerated particle swarm optimization (APSO). The evaluation of the results achieved by ISOMA in the second configuration with the objective function of maximizing the TPRF revealed that ISOMA could reach better profits than SOMA in terms of maximum, mean and minimum TPRF values over fifty trial runs. As a result, it was concluded that pumped storage hydropower plants are very useful in integrating with renewable power plants to cut total cost for thermal power plants and in reaching the highest profit for the whole system. Also, ISOMA is a suitable algorithm for the considered problem.
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