How do Road Users in Mixed Traffic Perceive Risk Towards Each Other? A Comparative Study from a Developing Country
Many developing countries have high traffic accident rates due to the mixed traffic environment in which bicycles and motor vehicles travel in the same lanes. This paper examines the perceived risk among road users in mixed traffic. A questionnaire survey was used to obtain demographic information and self-reported risk perception among cyclists, motorcyclists, and drivers. Statistical analyses, including the T-test and ANOVA, were used to examine the relevant differences in risk assessment among the groups. The results demonstrate that the groups differ significantly in sociodemographic characteristics, driving experience, and travel characteristics. For self-reported perceived risk, the respondents’ perceptions of road surface conditions, the potential of daydreaming while operating a vehicle, and distraction from passengers or riding companions exhibited significant differences between the groups. The research findings could be beneficial as a guide for policymakers in planning road safety awareness to reduce risk in mixed traffic environments.
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