Reducing Overall Active Power Loss by Placing Solar and Wind Generators in a Distribution Power System using Wild Horse Optimizer Algorithm
This study optimized the locations and sizes of wind-based distributed generators (WDGs) and solar photovoltaic-based distributed generators (PVDGs) to reduce the overall active power loss (OAPL) of an IEEE 85-bus distribution power system (DPS). Three meta-heuristic algorithms, including the Wild Horse Optimizer Algorithm (WHOA), the Archimedes Optimization Algorithm (AOA), and the Transient Search Optimization (TSO) algorithm, were applied and compared to each other to identify the most effective method for finding the best value of OAPL. Based on the analysis, WHOA outperformed the other methods in achieving the best value of OAPL according to different criteria. Additionally, the effectiveness of WHOA was compared with previous studies, while WHOA also proved its strength in reducing overall losses, decreasing grid power, and improving voltage profiles. Moreover, the effectiveness of WHOA was tested for a 24-hour period with varying loads and the addition of PVDGs and WDGs. The results indicated that WHOA could successfully determine the optimal positions of both PVDGs and WDGs in Case 3, Case 4.1, and Case 4.2, achieving the optimal value of OAPL in the selected DPS, decreasing grid power utilization, and improving the voltage profile. In conclusion, WHOA proved itself to be an effective optimization tool for dealing with large-scale optimization problems
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