Drill Hole Spacing Analysis for Evaluation of Quartz Sand Resources as Residual Material from On-Land Alluvial Tin Processing based on Global Estimation Variance and Kriging Variance, with Case Study in the Bangka and Belitung Islands, Indonesia
On-land alluvial tin mining activities produce residual materials from mineral processing or mineral washing; the major one of these is quartz sand, which can be utilized in the manufacturing industry. As time goes by, the reserves of alluvial tin are decreasing, which is in line with the increasing residual material from abundant mineral processing. Mining procedures are carried out following the Indonesian government regulations, covering mining as well as reprocessing. This motivated us to evaluate the potential of quartz sand at two mining sites in Bangka and Belitung Islands. This study evaluated alluvial tin processing residual quartz sand through drill hole spacing analysis (DHSA) by comparing two geostatistics parameters, namely global estimation variance (GEV) and kriging variance (KV). Drill hole samples were taken with varying spacing, ranging from 50 to 200 m, after which geostatistical analysis was carried out. With several simulations, the incorporation of GEV and KV was able to produce the optimal drill hole spacing with measured resource categories in the range of 40 to 55 m, indicated resources in the range of 55 to 85 m, and inferred resources >85 m. Accordingly, the total estimated quartz sand resources of both sites were obtained.
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